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Please post your sketch Lottery requests for the month of July as comments here. 

Sketch request entry guidelines: 

  • Submit up to two sentences describing your request. Sentences must be clear, concise and sensible. 
  • Up to two characters may be included. 
  • Setting may be included, as well as props (clothing, dildos, text, etc)
  • These may either be my original characters, or other non-fanart/non-parody characters you describe.
  • No children, Male/Male, vomit/scat/gore/vore
  • If I find your suggestion out of the realm of something I would draw, I will contact you so that you may make a different submission.

Example: Curvy MILF with big breasts wearing only garters and stockings using a dildo on a slender, small-breasted young lady. The Milf has curly hair and wears glasses.




Two large breasted women one asian with a bun hair style one white with freckles and beehive hair hooked up to breast pumps. There arms are handcuffed behind them and there leaning forward being milked.

dennis gaietto

One girl riding a horse; the horse is rearing up and the rider waving her hat and smiling. Like the scene at the end of the movie True Grit.


Debbie hyman showing off a teeny weeny bikini with a beach full of admirers onlooking and w00ting!


Sorry. no fan-art or parody characters. Also only up to 2 characters. Please read over the instructions for requests and post a different suggestion.


Sort of like the Lone Ranger thing, right? Sounds interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.


In that case how about a chubby curly haired Latina, Haven't seen you doodle latina's much ;)