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We're about to kick off a new year, so I thought I'd lay this out there for you all.

Fill in the blank.

In 2018, I would like to see more _________________ from Karmagik.



Less pencil shit


Never-been-sketched Ladies

Dark Ronin

LFM and Grandma Bev


Double D ranch

christy davis

humongous breast, humongous breasted teens and hell lot micro bikinis


cartoon parodied sketches and comics


More women from love action shows or women from underrated cartoons


More of your series and TV or cartoon adaptations


More OC based comics and sketches. Comission slots to be available on a monthly basis (i know this last one can be difficult).

Robert B.

More diverse ethnic women. Black, brown, yellow, red. But mostly more of your lesser seen extended family/clan OC characters interacting with current OC characters. Thanks for the art.


more Randi - maybe another series similar to Randi going to work with requests for what happens next

Boo Boo bear

More Randi stories.


The Book Club Chapter 3


Tough call here....Lois, Olivia, American Wet Dream....Hell anything you do. :D

dennis gaietto

I realize it must be hard, but, more commission slots.


Much more Lois! More Randi (and Randi related) and of course Amc. Wet Dream.


The more Lois part is probably going to have to be driven by supporters and their suggestions for sketch lotteries and all that. I'm sure Randi is still going to get a fair amount of attention in the new year. And American Wet Dream is going to keep on rolling out every Wednesday until it finally wraps up.


Yeah, making the time for commissions is pretty tough these days. There are a lot of commitments with Patreon and I just hate opening slots when I don't know if I can complete them in a reasonable time frame.


My current plan is to work on the next Book Club Chapter after The Thrills of Victory.


I've tried to pay a bit more attention to this when I was working on The Book Club. With Nicole, Lupe and Hannah's friend Tara Nakamura, things are getting a bit more diverse.


If only I had the time. Right now the only "monthly commission slots" are going to be through Bra Buster support levels. I know more people want commissions, but I just really can't carve out the time it takes to work on them. I still have a couple from my last wave I'm finishing up. And I just don't like opening slots that I don't think I can finish in a reasonable time frame.


We'll still have the Parody sketch lottery every other week moving forward. As for comics, I don't know if there will be anything other than American Wet Dream for a little while. Once it wraps up, we'll see what's next.


I certainly won't stop drawing big tits. Olivia, Patty, Randi, Maggie, and all the Double D gals will still be sticking around. As far as micro bikinis go... I do like the look of them.


Right now my plan is to do The Book Club after The Thrills of Victory, but what comes after that is up in the air. I definitely will be doing some Double D Ranch pin ups and pics. It would be great to see more of them showing up in the Sketch Request Lottery, too.


I do really like the Grandma Beverly idea, its just a matter of ever finding the time to revisit it. And I'm thinking Book Club 3 may be after Thrills of Victory, but LFM could follow, we'll have to see where we are in a couple of months.


That sounds like its going to be pretty dependent on the Patrons to request some new ladies in the Sketch Lottery. You know I'm always down for trying new things.


I've never felt like Live Action things were my particular strong suit. I'm always down for hearing about and drawing hot ladies for cartoons I know nothing of. The Good Vibes stuff has been a lot of fun for me and its something I never would have drawn if not for you guys. So keep those interesting Sketch Request Lottery ideas coming.


I plan on rolling out a new page of my original comics every week going forward. The sketch lottery is probably going to be the main way the Parody stuff gets done if you are looking for something other than American Dad, at least until The American Wet Dream wraps up. Of course, that could change if my support spikes.


I'm working with JoeMangini to get some more colors for my Original comics going forward. And we'll keep rolling out full color pin-ups based on the level of Patreon support.


I know, and understand. Also: more Grandma Bev! I blame Ronin!


To be honest, the last fan request thing got a little out there for me. I think if I go forward on something like that with my Original characters I'd like to maintain just a bit more control. For Parody stuff I don't really care as much. I think something like that could still work, I just may want to "curate" the suggestions a bit more.


There will definitely be more American Wet Dream, every week until it wraps up. I'm sure we'll have more Olivia, I do plan on the next Book Club chapter happening soon. As for Lois, that's probably going to have to come from you guys and the Sketch Request Lottery.

Robert B.

I agree, and thank you for that, you've done a good job so far. I understand how difficult it can be to insert characters into stories that have a limited amount of interactions, so please keep up the good work. I especially liked the Olivia takes two color version but I realize that's a request and I will try to do my part on that front. Thanks again for the art.

Robert B.

Maybe next time you could have the patrons vote on a choice of scenarios instead of suggesting them. That way you control the narrative but we get to pick the direction?


Oh, and Darlene's ethnicity has never been fully revealed. Plus there were some Native American ladies in Indian Affairs. almost forgot about them.

Robert B.

Yes please. The Randi secretary comic was great, as was the Randi - Olivia at the beach sketch comic we managed to piece together, that turned very well.

Robert B.

YAAAAY, THANK YOU n thank Joe, n thank Ynot65 for all your hard work. I luv color. Yaaay, more please.


You stated exactly what I was going to say Robert B. :)

Robert B.

I hadn't, that's pretty much the only way to get to the "red" characters, as for Darlene it's hard to tell, but with the few color versions out there I think she may be part black or part Native American since it looks like her dad got around, and we don't know of her mother, yet...


I had Darlene and morning lily in mind for the next lotto or maybe twin moon


It's a very good news. I look forward to seeing that. (specially see Patty and Olivia again).Thanks for your answer.


Mighty fine choices! I would definitely enjoy drawing them more.