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Hey guys, bad news. I've been really sick the past couple of days.  I haven't been able to work on anything.

So, the Randi comic page isn't finished yet and isn't gonna be ready before its usual month's end. But I will finish it once I'm feeling better. It's already sketched, I just haven't finished the inks.

Hopefully, you'll all understand and bear with me as I try to recover. I'm taking lots of meds and trying to get lots of rest.


Devin Dickie

get well you Drawing Machine!


Take it easy and get better.

Dark Ronin

Hey, you do whatever you need to do to get better, man. We've all been there before. You just take it easy and kick thing in the balls


Hoping you feel better soon!


Get well soon.

Robert B.

Hey we've all been there, laid up feeling crappy chugging meds n fluids, so you take as long as you need to get healthy and back in full form, we ain't going no where, so well be here when you get well. Rest up, take it easy and get well properly.


Get well soon. You've been spoiling us non-stop with all of the updates. Take care of yourself.