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The last couple of sketch request lottery pics I have done digitally. Normally I do these the old fashioned way, with paper and pencil and scan them. But I am getting more comfortable with my new tablet so I thought I would try doing them digitally.

The pic of Patty blowing Trevor with the buttplug in her ass, and the pic of Jane Jetson and Rosie are both digital sketches.

I was wondering what you guys thought about this? Do you like the digital stuff or would you prefer the traditional sketches? Do you care one way or the other?



As you said, now that you have had practice with the digital tools you will continue to refine your technique and "touch" (or feel for the stylus as if a pencil). To me the new images are starting to be indistinguishable from the "old" but still very reliable methods. I hope you get to feel more comfortable and skilled with the digital tools since they seem to be the future. But I guess as long as paper and pencils and pens are around you can always go backward if and when you feel like it. The artist creates. What tools he uses are what he feels comfortable working with.


I feel both methods are good. To me it boils down to what method is more confortable for you.

Robert B.

I think whatever is easier for you is what counts. If digital is less work, I say go for it. If pen n paper is easier, use it. Your art comes from you no matter what media you use to present it. Some of the first digital sketches, (Lorraine and student, Nicole gets stuffed), didn't look as refined as they do now, so your digital skills are definitely improving, so keep up the good work. We're here for your art we'll be here no matter what method you use. Thanks for the art.