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Hey guys, just for notification that I just blocked all the 'fraud' patrons in my patron list. Sorry for not doing this earlier. I always thought that the site will automatically block or at least disable their accounts after they are confirmed as frauds, but recently I found that I have to block them by myself, or they may still have the accesses to the contents.

Honestly no matter how much a donation is, it will always be a huge supports to me, both in financial and psychological ways, and I am and will always be very grateful about it . However using fake accounts to get the accesses to the contents which I promised to the supporters who paid is just stealing. 

For those people who I blocked: If you like my work, thank you for your appreciations, but don't use the 'fraud' accounts on me.  From now on I'll block any accounts which is displayed as 'fraud' right after monthly payment process. I have to make sure my paying supporters have their money worth.



Given that you have a fairly small pool of patrons it's a shame that you have frauds, though I suppose that's true no matter how many patrons you have. I've seen other artists handle this situation a number of ways - from password protected links to emailing updates to confirmed paying patrons. Whether you adopt a protective strategy for distributing your work is up to you - hopefully your current legitimate patrons will continue to support your efforts.


I'll try to find a way to ensure the protection. Thanks for the suggestions! Though I really think the site should have some countermeasures or at least punishments to the fraud accounts.

Human Kirby

begone fake people