Content update (Patreon)
hey guys Sorry for the Lull in content recently, just trying to finish up the last 3 coms I have, next month ill be working on my next comic instead of taking coms so you'll all get to see previews of that as I work. Ill also do a raffle next month so ill end up picking 1 of my $10 patrons to do a pic for.
next week is the last week of may so expect to see a post asking for suggestions on next months characters!
and depending on how well my progress on the comic goes Ill also more then likely do another request stream, since theres way more $5 and $10 patrons now, I may need to split the stream up so I do a few 1 day and then the rest the next day so I dont burn myself out.
this months been fantastic for this patreon with the incredible massive boom of new people! ill keep doing my best to provide content for you all!