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Hello friends. Today I was able to complete another request. This time its a rather odd one.. a Giant Lobster haha

It was rather satisfying to sculpt not gonna lie. 

Full files will take some time to load up in the drives. When they do they'll be in Misc Patron Requests, - Misc Creatures. I'm still in an area with bad internet though so for now I can at least post the files here. 

Tomorrow I'm flying back home from Puerto Rico so I won't be able to get any modeling done. The trip was good and I caught up with family. Thanks for understanding the slow down this week while I was away. I'll get back to it on Monday. Stay safe folks. 




Needs a giant stick of butter and a garlic leshy.

David Grimes

My wife now wants it

Jiaren Li

catching up to some missed update and...what's next. giant lobster with a water cannon that can snipe you from another zip code? :P