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3D Printing & Painting Contest - Final Round of Voting!

  • Armored Treant by McKnickKnock 38
  • Myconid Sovereign by Diogo Machado 40
  • Treant by Bella Rose 114
  • Myconid Sovereign by Jacob Pflugfelder 29
  • Pumpkinholder by Marc Thur 32
  • Treant by Zoe Kenny 47
  • Myconid Sovereign by Egg Collector 65
  • Assassin Vines by Nick Stewart 80
  • Vegepygmy Chief by Rym 67
  • Canopy Elder by Corinne Ferragne 37
  • 2023-11-29
  • —2023-12-01
  • 549 votes
{'title': '3D Printing & Painting Contest - Final Round of Voting!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Armored Treant by McKnickKnock', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'Myconid Sovereign by Diogo Machado', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Treant by Bella Rose ', 'votes': 114}, {'text': 'Myconid Sovereign by Jacob Pflugfelder ', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Pumpkinholder by Marc Thur ', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'Treant by Zoe Kenny', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Myconid Sovereign by Egg Collector ', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Assassin Vines by Nick Stewart ', 'votes': 80}, {'text': 'Vegepygmy Chief by Rym ', 'votes': 67}, {'text': 'Canopy Elder by Corinne Ferragne ', 'votes': 37}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 1, 4, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 29, 19, 10, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 549}


Hello friends! Its time for the final round of voting on this months 3D printing and painting contest! Thank you everyone for your amazing submissions! But now we're down to the top 10! 

The finalist submissions can be viewed here 

Now onto voting! I won't vote unless a tie breaker is needed. You are welcome to vote for more than one given how awesome these are! Prizes again are:

I'll message the winners when this is done. Good luck folks and thanks again! 


Egg Collector

well done all. Im happy with 4th. Congradulations to the top 3. Was a close vote!


Thank you everyone. This really means a lot to me. I've painted for years but never felt good enough to compete. I've made a comment in the discord on the general channel, I want to give back to the community so I'm going to give my Treant away to someone who would like to give him a good home. If you're interested check out my message over there. Awesome competition and amazing paint work from everyone!