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Hello friends! Now that Wild Beyond the Witchlight is done its time to pick my next big project! Today is the last day to vote so be sure to make your voices heard!

Keep in mind that not every single book and option out there is listed below for various reasons. The Pathfinder 2e and Kobold Press books for example would each take one to two years to complete and I'd prefer shorter projects. 

I also won't be doing Critical Role content because I was asked not to by those heavily involved in the creation of official CR content. I want to respect the wishes of the cast of CR by not making content from their works and I'm sure you all understand this.

So with that vote away! Until this poll is complete I'll work on requests. Take care friends and thanks again for your support!



Please! Don't forget the Rakshasa when making player characters. We've got even Slothfolk but not the loving tiger people :(


The new Spelljammer book isn't out yet, but I'd love to see a series of "tactical-scale" ship minis (rather than trying to build full mini-scale models).


Eberron needs some more love, its such a cool campaign setting!


Eberron PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would have liked a revamp of the Princes of the Apocalypse models, they're looking a bit dated compared to your new stuff. And we're playing that now. :D


Can I actually vote to wait a couple of weeks and wait for spelljammer? Friends and I want to start that campaign ASAP following witchlight :D


Deathpact Angel from Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica would be awesome!


I will continue to vote strixhaven until i can finally print a little effigy mascot


I would just love to see new things. Fewer remixes and more truly new stuff to put on the table.


I would love to see models for the new Spelljammer book and I second the request from Christian about having tactical scale ship models! :)