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Hello friends. Today is our last day on our little impromptu trip and we're heading home tomorrow. However I did get to work on this fun patron request, which is the patrons actual dog but turned into a mount / pack dog for D&D :D

Along with the mount version I also made a version that's just the good doggo with no equipment.  

Full files are in the Misc Patron Requests - Misc Creatures folder. That's all for now. And don't forget to vote for my next big project! 




How do I download these?


You're a $1 patron thus you only have a sample drive sorry. These are not in the sample drive.


Oh I see I didn't realize how it worked how much do I have to subscribe for to get the dog? My labradoodle passed away a few years ago and really love this file lol


No worries. The free links to the files are above in this posts text too. Take care.


I love this model! I used him today in my dnd game and I was so happy to name him Sarge after my Labradoodle that passed away a few years ago. My halfling bard will be riding him into battle!

Gabriel Lopossa

This is wonderful. I had printed the blink dog and mastiff. Good to have another to add variety.


Oh my goodness, he's perfect!!! Thank you so much ❤❤❤