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This is it friends! Last day for you all to decide what I work on next! Below is a list of projects and books that I'd love to work on now that Fizban's is complete. You're welcome to vote for more than one given there are a lot of great options. 

Keep in mind that not every single book and option out there is listed below for various reasons. Pathfinder isn't an option as the publisher didn't show any interest in me doing their works. Third party publishers like the Kobold Press won't happen this time given I'd prefer to work on shorter projects and one KP book would take 1-2 years to complete. 

 I also won't be doing Critical Role content because I was asked not to by those heavily involved in the creation of official CR content. I want to respect the wishes of the cast of CR by not making content from their works and I'm sure you all understand this.

So with that vote away! Until this poll is complete I'll work on requests all of next week. Take care friends and thanks again for your support!



For Wild Beyond the Witchlight, would you do the faction members or just the creatures? I thought the hags were pretty neat.


Maybe do some generic terrain pieces? Trees, boulders, etc?


I realize it's not as glamorous, but I'd really like to see more presupported models.


I would love to see some Fae race creatures. I haven’t been able to find any fairy or pixies even some dryads. Just fae creatures in general.


I'm sorry but literally all my models are presupported. If you can't find specific ones you can message me or ask in the discord


There are so many free terrain pieces on Thingiverse that I don't bother making them given I wouldn't add anything new that isn't already out there. Sorry friend but unless it's specifically requested in the Request Board I don't see myself making terrain any time soon.


I don't know what the factions are but I planned on just going through the book and making whatever has a stat block :)


Should you vote for The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, you'll definitely see more fey creatures.


It's gonna take a miracle at this point but I'm about to start a Strixhaven campaign and man would I love to have some of those minis.



James Ezell

Would love Dragon Lance

Mog Watt

A board game is planned on the Dragonlance Universe, but for the RPG it will be better to plan a min production for the next year. I think that for this summer, the main target should be Spelljammer, because it represent 50% of others modules for this year, and it should be the new best world focused by players ;) And to be honest, it's not my choice, I would want any miniatures on the Magic the Gathering Universe - like Theros, Ravnica or Strixhaven. Probably a new plan will be edited for the next year, if it's Kamigawa, it will make double effect / double sens ;)


I would love for you to just make stuff. I love your variety. I find it more useful to have a random collection of things, but I also don't tend to start new games based on new books. If you really like working through a book, good on you. I personally have no desire to tie you down to a particular collection of things (in a book).

Derek Read

If you have the inspiration, might be nice to see Adventurers filled out a bit more with additional races for classes (or additional classes for races if you prefer) or poses. And perhaps going back and adding some additional detail to some of the older ones in there.

Leon Stratton

So, after reading this I contacted Paizo to ask why there were so few community modelers. Let's face it, Paizo/PF has some damn unique monsters, and you can't find models for MOST of them. Paizo replied that they have a contract with Wizkids to produce their minis, Which we already knew, and asked me to read their community use guidelines. They are actually pretty loose, and it seems that MZ could be making models in the exact same manner he is with Wizards. Specifically, they allow Patreon and other forms of artist support, but the models themselves must be free.

Leon Stratton

Since they were nice enough to take the time to read my letter, i think I'll post the link to their community use guidelines. https://paizo.com/community/communityuse


Another creator (Maps & Monsters) has been doing Pathfinder monsters and was originally selling the models before contacting Paizo to see if he was in compliance. They told him if he released them for free he would be fine, so he's been doing that now.