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Hello friends! Today I updated the bandits! I made a male and female version, and then for the hell of it I thought I'd look back at my original bandit, which while obviously very very dated, did print very well in FDM so I'll give it some credit. Just for fun I updated it anyway with the existing geometry then added some accessories just to see if I could do it. Well, turns out I can even save that model lol. 

Full files are in Monster Manual Appendix B - Bandits. That updated and very FDM friendly bandit is in the folder "Old Bandit" Public Link here 

Ok I hope you all have a great weekend! I'll get back to it next week as I work on the Bandit captains and then Pirates! Stay tuned :) 




That old bandit was very nearly supportless and a joy to print, but the updated version really shows how much better you've got at sculpting! Looking fantastic!


I was just about to print a new set of bandits to be my "Redbrand Ruffians" These will add more variety. These look brilliant.