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Hello friends! Today I proudly present to you all my first batch of minis this year! I started with more updates to the animal minis from Appendix A of the Monster Manual! Today I worked on:

  • Saber-Tooth Tiger - this is a fresh model given the original was very very dated. I love sculpting in furry kitties like this :3
  • Rhinoceros - the original wasn't too bad but needed some updated texture. Nice sculpting work here. 
  • Riding Horse - the update from last year wasn't too shabby but some muscles were needed in it. I also updated the saddle and reigns. 
  • Scorpion, Sea Horse, and Spider - these were simple resizing projects. Given how small these are I don't recommend trying these in FDM without sizing them up some more. Also given they are massive compared to what they'd actually be on a table I recommend just using these as placeholders. 

Full files are in Monster Manual - Appendix A in all drives. Public Link here.  

There you go! Tomorrow I'll work on some requests. Enjoy! 



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