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Hello friends! Today I completed four more requests! I made: 

The first two were quick remix works while the last were fresh models. That Lava Child sure is creepy lol. More to come tomorrow! 




The barbarian's my fave of this batch, the lava child is creepy AF... Maybe need to print it with an undead/puppet look for a horror adventure, I can see it skittering from room to room behind the party. And the werewolf looks like he's belting out a song for a musical.


That cleric is sick! I'm printing that right now


Lava child is a classic FF monster and I don't think I've seen a mini of one ever before. Very unusual; nice request.

Gabriel Lopossa

Both the dragonkin are awesome!


I've been patiently awaiting the Lava Child design and then I Totally missed when you made it, lol! Thank you! Its everything I hoped for! (read: had nightmares of)