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Hello friends! I got some early morning modeling complete and the Stirge is now ready!

This would print pretty well flat on its back. In FDM most of the claws will still show up though obviously not as clear as a resin print. Presupported files are also ready for resin users. 

Important Announcement

For the next 7 days I'm going to be in NH with Jen celebrating her father's life. He passed earlier this year to cancer, but given we couldn't have a funeral due to the pandemic we're finally having a family gathering to celebrate him now that we're vaccinated. 

My modeling will slow down during this time given family comes first. I'll still post stuff when possible but obviously not at the rate I usually do. Thanks for understanding folks and be sure to hug those you care for when possible :) 




Awesome work! I am in process of painting a slightly modified version of one of your basilisks. It brings me so much joy to see your updates.


And I missed the announcement of the passing of Jen's father. My condolences and sympathies: I hope the coming time in your lives provides ample opportunity for healthy grief, fond memories, and loving imagination of future informed by past.


The stirge looks great! And please do take the time you and Jen need. You do an amazing amount of work as it is.

Erik Johnson

Sorry to hear about the passing. Cancer can go F itself. Take all the time you need, please!


We appreciate what you do, take the time off. Has anyone been successful printing a stirge in the "Tiny" size as per stats? What about as a swarm?


I'm definitely going to try. Managing dozens of individual models seems like a hassle, so my plan is make large size swarm stands (using blender) and individuals (which will have varied wing positions). Easier to manage on the printer and in-game.


Tried printing 8 of these presupported on Elegoo Mars Pro 2 and only 3 printed correctly. Supports are too weak and are breaking off when pulling from the FEP. Going to try again with custom supports and hopefully better results. Otherwise, glad this was updated as I needed some better ones for Phandelver with more detail. Same sculpt, just looks better.


That's really weird. Thanks I'll check the model again later this week. Sorry they failed on your machine.


No worries, It could be exposure or resin I'm using also. 70/30 mix of Elegoo and Siraya Tech Tenacious. It's "tackier" than normal resin so it may be sticking to FEP more aggressively and causing issue. I'll have to play around and see if I can fine tune it for these more delicate models that are not as solid.


Hi try the Craftman resin from Anycubic. I get really good results with this with low printing time. Its only a little bit brittle without UV light.


Reprinted the non presupport version and added my own medium level supports from Chitubox and no issues.