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Hello friends. Next up on my Monster Manual updates is the Sprite! This little fella was a fun sculpting job. He is very very small though, so this will be a challenge in FDM, though I have fun it through an FDM slicer. 

Full files are in S - Sprite. 

Next up is the Stirge. Stay tuned! 




don't suppose you could do one with the sword/bow swapped for a polearm?


Thanks, it'll be next to print once I'm done spending the next day or so printing my entry for the undead contest, it's a big one :) Had a pixie character back in 4th when they fey wild had come out, that due to RAW, could use a medium sized pole arm as a tiny creature, and use all the stat block as is, including a 10' reach, just amused the crap out of me. Lil pixie using (at best) a 10" toothpick pretty much to stab an enemy 10' away, as he hid in among the square of the party's bard.


Cries... I have tried like hell to print him out at normal size and much larger sizes. I can't get the damn supports to come off without ripping off a wing =(