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Hello friends! Today I created three new models per the Request Board and requests from a winner of the printing and painting contest! I  made: 

Locathah - This was a fun model to put together. Its fully rigged too so if you wanted to make your own variant its ready to go! Full files are in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh folder!

Bonedrinker - This creepy fella is located in Misc Patron Requests - B

Illithid Heritage Sorceress - Ah the unique adventurer requests lol. Full files are in Adventurers - Sorcerers - Other Sorcerers .

Given the IP nature of all of these they are not available for commercial use. That's all for now! I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll get back to it on Monday! 




Bonedrinker is awesome




I love your Locathah! It's amazing to see how your modelling has evolved. There's so much character in your new stuff