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Hello friends! July was a hell of a ride! I'm pretty happy with the 44 models I made and you can see them all in the gallery I've added to this post! Its been great to print and paint minis now that my in person games are happening again. I hope you like my works!

August Updates

This month I'll continue working on my Monster Manual updates. I'm currently at letter S so I'm getting close! Also expect more Mythic Odysseys of Theros models given I'm the DM in my Theros game and will need new models as I go along. Just so you guys know though, around August 17-24 I'll need to head up to NH for my Father in Laws funeral, so things might slow down around there. I'll do what I can art wise but family first obviously. 

And the Winners are ...

Thank you to everyone who submitted pieces to my last 3D printing and painting contest! I've messaged all the winners so expect their models to be made soon. The next theme will be the Undead! I'll make a post about this on the 15th. Also the winner of the silly model contest is the Garbage Griffons! Expect some very funny Griffons down the line soon lol. 

Thank you everyone!

Seriously you guys are amazing people. Its because of your support I can continue to make free 3D art for the world to enjoy while keeping a roof over my head. Your generosity and kindness knows no bounds! Keep being amazing and expect more new pieces soon! 


The MZ4250 July 2021 Gallery! A Summary of all the 3D Printable minis I made last month! Free links below each image :D

Hello friends! Here is a summary gallery of what I've made this month! Like all of my 2800+ D&D models I've made over the years these are free and the links are below each image. Patreon here if you'd like to have all my works in one place and support me as an artist: https://www.patreon.com/mz4250 Above this text is Hythonia the Cruel.



Starts printing undead dragon…