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Hello friends! Today I got some early modeling done and made the following:

Wyvern - Green - This was a request from one of last month's contest winners. Its an interesting take on the Wyvern where its based on one of the Chromatic Dragon classes. Full files are located in Misc Patron Requests - W - Wyvern - Green. 

Piercer - Next model in my Monster Manual updates! I'm getting close to the end :D Full files are in Monster Manual - P - Piercer. Not for commercial use though, 

That's all for now! I hope you all have a nice weekend! And if you're in the U.S. I hope you have a very Murica' weekend ;)




Your a machine! I can’t believe how many models you crank out.


I want to do a wintery paint job on that one, so I can introduce it to my players as the Snowpiercer.


Your speed & quality is amazing ! What are you doing once you finished the monster manual ?


Thanks! I'll post another poll and patrons will decide what I work on next :)


Oooooh... and print with clear and it's an icicle piercer :D


And if I replace the antlers on the Peryton with proper moose antlers, I could run an authentic Canadian adventure.