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Hello friends! Thanks to everyone who submitted to this month's contest! They're all amazing! But now its time to vote! 

You can view the submissions here 

Prizes are: 

  • 1st - Custom model printed and painted by me!
  • 2nd & 3rd - Custom model
  • 4th & beyond - Stickers by Jen!

You can vote for more than one if you wish as there are so many great pieces. I won't vote unless a tie breaker is needed! Thanks again folks! 



I don't see my kraken submission on here :(


Good job everyone!


Very nice job to all! I desperately wanted to participate this time but life just got in the way. Alas, there's always next month's!


Also congrats to Nick Preziosi for winning the "Miguel messed up and can't change the gallery now" award! He's getting a custom mini and you and see his submission here: https://imgur.com/gallery/omgyvDV


Outstanding Nick


Indeed Nick.. that is amazing. Currently printing that Kraken myself, I could only dream to make it look as good when its done! lol


I think 8 is a good paintjob on a sweet figure, but 10 and 16 are the standout paint jobs.


#8 is my pick, but I also really like 12, 15, 16. All were worthy contenders, but these were my favorites. FWIW, I limited myself to 3 votes before I looked at them.