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Today I have more Monster Manual updates for you! First I have the Invisible Stalker. This was probably the most complex model I've ever made, taking 46 hours of hard work but its finally done! I'd say this is the limit of 3D art in general. Probably should retire now...

Ok I'll stop now :P. Here is what it actually looks like: 

Full files for this are in Monster Manual - I - Invisible Stalker. 

I also updated my Jackalwere! This was a complete revamp given how terribly dated the original looked.  Full files are in Monster Manual - J. 

The Kenku is already updated so I'm skipping that one today. 

I did update my Kobolds though! The original Kobold was actually already updated earlier last year but the Winged Kobold is a fresh model. Full files are in K - Kobolds. 




I think I've probably printed off that first Invisible Stalker about 20 times so far this year. In more seriousness, that Jackalwere is awesome!


Is the invisible stalker pre-supported?


Is the regular kobold model the same as from earlier or were there any small updates?


As I stated earlier it was already updated. But the winged one is fresh :)


There's just one problem with your invisible stalker... I can see it. Or is that just me? :D As always, looks great!