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Hello friends. My next updated creature is this vicious construct the Helmed Horror! This nasty fella was a great sculpting exercise. Full files are located in Monster Manual - H - Helmed Horror. Next up will be an updated Hippogriff!

Updated Drive Link

I have emailed to you all a new Google Drive link for both normal and commercial uses. Over the week Jen and I figured out that if I just made a new drive folder straight from my computer that quota error goes away. Please check your mail to see the new links. I'm working on replacing Google with a different service that actually has a search function, but that's still in the works. Stay tuned friends and thank you for your patience. 




Wow, the sculpt looks amazing! Best yet!


This is so rad


The level of detail is crazy - so firing up my mars and printing this now.


A quick question I know this is a construct but would it be considered a humanoid