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Hello friends. Here is the last model of the month and its nice to see its from the Eberron setting :)

You can find Lord of Blades in the Eberron Rising from the Last War folder. Free stl here for the public: https://www.shapeways.com/product/5D4BM2C6K/lord-of-blades 

Well folks, that wraps up the Request Board month. Back to the Monster Manual updates! However on Fridays I'll still take on some Request Board stuff when I can. Thanks for your support this month. I'm going to make a summary gallery soon so expect another post later today :) 




Thank you so much for all of your amazing creations!

Dusty Hatfield

off to the printer with you!

Dusty Hatfield

well nevermind shapways isnt letting me make an account its not completing the sign up process, o well guess ill wait till the drives get back in order


If you need it off the drive just download the Eberron folder. It's only two creatures in there.