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For those of you who get the "download quota for this file has been exceeded" error:  

This is an error on Google's side of things and not something that I can do anything about. 

It will reset every 24 hours. 

  Here are a few recommended workarounds: 

  • Download only the file/folder you need now. If the file you're looking for is in a folder just download the folder.
  • Don't download the entire drive or entire big book folders in one go. 
  •  If you want to download everything, spread the process out over several days or so. Files aren't going away.   

Those of you using APIs or one of the various means of synchronizing the drive with your computer, please set it to no more often than once per week, preferably at an hour outside afternoon for the US or Europe. 

 I understand what you're doing is convenient to you but its harming everyone else. I'd ask that you please stop this, but in the end this is up to you. Take care and I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused


PUGDOG Enterprises, Inc.

I know I can be a broken record (does anyone know what that means any more?) but the EASIER IT IS to find the new model, the lower the overall load on the servers will be. You have an incredible library. New people are going to try and grab it all in one month, then move on. Long term subscribers are less of a load, over all, except on the new models. Have you thought about making zip files of the archive on a separate server, just to take that load off the archives? While some people are still going to try to download the archives, it might take a lot of load off. As your subscribers climb, the load will increase It's the price of success ;)


Thanks I'll keep this in mind. I don't know how much easier I can make it to find things though. It's organized by book and by alphabetical order. But I'll keep the zip idea in mind thanks.


HI, Everything that I try to download from the drive today isn't downloading... Is this error tied to this issue of other users overwhelming the server? I just need one little pocket_unicorn.stl. :-) I get routed to a blank tab with this URL: https://doc-0k-1c-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/58nejtadpvr7i3qo584iprplrpnge0pb/3sv47bh6ivsoq408b8s7avvf5mrv8708/1617113025000/17426204844389351807/06300113828357841365/1ml8eTlX5u7AXc_bxYtflk4Eww6JdIyJs?e=download&authuser=0


Please download the folder it's in rather than the file itself. People using API are ruining this experience for everyone else. I'm very sorry this is happening but the folder work around should be fine.


Thanks for the tech support...sorry to interrupt the creative flow....flow man...flowwwww :-)


What is API? I want to make sure I'm not contributing to the problem. I think I might have been by using a thing in google drive that opens 3d files in a website.


It's some sort of automatic download code thing people used to automatically download from my drive when changes happen. Too many people had this set up when I made changes to my file organization and it ruined everything


Great I'm not doing that. Just making sure, can I use the a google drive app that shows the stl files in browser? It's called "3D STL, OBJ Viewer with Drive"


I don't see why not. I never heard of this until you typed it though