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Whew! Today was a busy one. Ok folks big post so sorry for the text explosion lol

Paladin on a Pegasus Painted! - First I'm happy to share with you the Paladin on a Pegasus I made earlier this week as a thank you gift for an Ancient Dragon patron. He was painted with Citadel and Plaid paints. I started with my a gray primer, dry brushed white highlights, then painted thin watered down paint layers over the model in its base color until it looked right. Then I used shade by Citadel, more dry brushed high lights and boom, he's ready! Full files are in Adventures - Paladins. Stl link here too. 

Yes that is a cloth cape I made by hand for him, because rule of cool ;)

I learned my painting methods from The Crafting Muse on Youtube. Vee is a good friend of mine and you should def check her channel out if you want to learn how to paint minis like a pro. Link here to her channel.  

Monster Manual Revisted - The Pit Fiend and Lemure! These are the last two devils I needed to touch up in the Monster Manual, as I touched up the Spined Devil last year. The Pit Fiend was updated last year when I worked on Mordenkainen's, however, he needed more definition in his wings and muscles, so he took some time to fix up. The Lemure had to be recreated from scratch though. That file was just sad lol. All the files are in D - Devils in both drives. 

Discord Updates - First off, if you're not on the MZ4250 Discord you should! All patrons are welcome, both current and former. Its a great place to share your prints, get help on how to print minis in FDM or resin, get painting tips, and also a fun place to just unwind. But anyway, on the Discord you can now post whatever remixes you've made of my files in a new Google Drive just for patrons to grab the various remixes you come up with. First fill out this Form before you submit a piece, and it'll go straight to that drive. A team of patrons made this form so your upload automatically goes to the right folder. Its a small collection now but it'll grow as you guys tweak my works :) 

Ok that's all for now. I'll stream my 3D modeling tomorrow at 0830 EST on  Twitch . See you then! 



Divine Logic

A drive for remixes? Neat!