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During weekends I relax, unwind, and complete fun side projects. This weekend on the Discord patrons proposed I take on Slygar, the "immortal" gold fish of Xanathar. I initially thought it couldn't be done, but I was wrong. Oh so wrong lol. 

To pull off Slygar I made the bowl, made it hollow, put in the dirt, plants, treasure chest and a goldfish model I found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2119398 (creative commons attribution). Then I made a top that could be printed separably. I then printed the bowl in resin and the resin dripped straight down from the bowl top. I also made sure it could be printed in FDM. It can be printed as is with no supports. To get the glass look on the transparent resin I used multiple layers of gloss varnish. 

Following this I printed and painted Xanathar, and here we are! Full files are in the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist folder. You can find them here too: 

That's all for now. Have a good one folks :-)




No way! I didn’t think you’d pull it off let alone this fast!


very cool!

Dave Smith

I love that he looks so damned crazy!


too cute


So you printed the bowl in clear resin or you printed the bowl with FDM and then poured resin into the bowl? I was thinking if I print this thin enough, I could fill the bowl with some kind of transparent resin and then cut the PLA away once it hardens.


I printed the bowl in clear resin. I wouldn't recommend filling anything with clear resin as over time it'll discolor and look like a dirty fish tank :/


This is pretty clever. I"d rather have the top and the bowl be one piece and the fish, stand, and water props be a separate one so you can paint them easier... But still, neat!