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Here she is ready for Pax Unplugged! Amy Falcone from the C-Team plays this lady, and I look forward to handing her off at the big con. 

You can find the full files in the Acq Inc folder. You can find them here too:  https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3975905  

The next model in this series will be Vy the female Gnome Artificer which was Jeremy Crawfords character! Expect more soon! 



Robert Bersch

this is cool. It reminds me of one of my adventure seeds "All of the stray cats dogs rats and unattended chickens have been going missing in the town. The cause is small family of tiger spiders. They are more intelligent than usual and have been leaving behind silken bags and other articles they can make using their webbing as payment for the creatures they've been taking. "