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Earlier this year I made the Devil Lord Hutijin from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, but it wasn't until recent that I remembered he is technically a Pit Fiend, and can easily stand in for one for the Descent into Avernus with some minor tweaks. So here is an updated Pit Fiend for the world to enjoy! 

Unlike Hutijin this fella can be printed without the mace or stand if that would make things easier, which is also a bit smaller than the Devil Lords. Printing him on his back with supports is fine, though printing him as is wouldn't be too bad if you're support game is on point.

 There were also some small tweaks to the body geometry, though nothing too crazy. You can find this fella along with the original Pit Fiend files under D - Devils - Pit Fiend in both drives. You can find them here too:  https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2824416 



Eric Kooistra

Do you have any plans of modeling up some infernal war machines? https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19174960/infernal_war_machines.jpg Cause that would be awesome!


Not any time soon. I'm still working on Mordenkainens Tome of Foes. But I'll at least update my friends when I can