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Hello friends! At the end of August (25-31) Jen and I will be in Munich visiting a good friend from college. We plan on basically couch surfing and doing as many free / inexpensive things as possible given the travel costs lol. One fun thing we'd like to do is a small meet up with patrons at one of the bars if anyone here lives in the city, preferably around Aug 28. Any takers? If its only one or two I'm cool with just grabbing a beer and chatting it up. But if there are four and over I'd love to host a D&D One Shot game! You guys would bring the minis though lol. So, any takers? 



Makes me wish I was going to be in Munich. Not going to be in Japan anytime soon, will you? Lol


hi im from the north of munich :). I dont have a couch for you. But going drink some beer and talk sound nice. Right now im printing alot of your minis


Ok nice! We'll figure out the logistics in the near future. Thanks for letting me know!


Good luck, I will be home in MN though :) I wish I could go back for a visit though. I miss Germany from my Army days!


I could be there ;) oneshot and meetup would be well worth the travel cost


Oh nice! We'll figure it out then. I don't even know where would be a good place to meet up but we'll figure out the logistics as we get closer.


This would be awesome, I would even fly to Munich for this but I'm already away in Jamaica on those dates. If you ever do this anywhere in the UK I'll be there.


Nice. Well some day Jen and I always wanted to visit London. I don't know when but someday haha