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Hello friends! Today was a tough one in Fort Bragg. Woke up at 3:45, rucked for 5 miles then rucked another 8 throughout the day doing various Civil Affairs themed activities. By 5pm it was over and I was just done for the day. 

So back in  my room I just wanted to relax. And what do I do to relax? I listen to the C-Team and model away :-D . Here is the Red Dragon, now in flying form. The model comes in pieces, but you can print it as one piece if your support game is strong, plus have a big enough build space. Too be honest printing in pieces is probably the best option, and I did my best to make the pieces flush to each other. Its not perfect though as I'm no engineer, so expect to sand and glue when the pieces are done. 

You can find it in the D - Dragons - Chromatic - Red Dragon folder in both drives. Wyrmlings, you can find the file here:  https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3733407  

Thank goodness I don't have to wake up too early tomorrow lol. Take care and enjoy folks! 




I know this is a very long time from the when this was made, but I'm finally going through all the files I've downloaded from you (basically just the STLs) to organize them to my liking (such as organizing all the D&D minis into creature type folders instead of from book source, deleting older versions I won't use, and creating a unified naming convention that makes more sense to me), and I saw that there is no presupported version of the Ancient Red Dragon Flying neck so I figured I'd let you know. I assume it was just an oversight. You create a lot of minis, and it's super easy to not notice that one little thing (it's even possible that you created it but missed uploading it). Anyway, just a heads up. I'm sure that I'll come across more. I have it seems some 13k+ files downloaded from you, so statistically there's going to be a handful of missed things (like, if I remember correctly there were some files that had blender but not stl files that I saw a long time ago, maybe in the Acq Inc ones?). Unless you'd rather me DM you when I come across things (or ask that I not), I'll share them under the appropriate post when I find them (which will likely take some time, as I do it as I have time). Otherwise, super great job. I love your work. I've long since converted my minis collection to be mostly just yours (the exceptions being Hero Forge adventurers and other things you don't have, like Dimension 20's Corn Gremlins/Cuties and terrain/vehicles).


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Ryan Rieder

Love that you're doing some more dynamic posing with the Dragons, great work!


This is really nice! Thanks Miguel!


Take a welldeserved rest🙂👍


And that is why I joined the (ch)Air Force. Nice work on the dragon. Makes me want to get a bigger printer. I don't think my mpmd could handle that, even in pieces


Hey you boys do a good job with what you do :-). Also the Ender 3 is pretty cheap now if anything


I've been looking at that. I don't think the boss would approve another printer now. Maybe in the fall when things settle down a bit.


Hooah, Soldier! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING you do, including yet another great model. I am watching your previous Blender tutorials on Twitch and YouTube. You make it look so easy! I followed the Blender Guru's channel and learned a lot. His Blender short-cuts cheat sheet is a real bonus. It has his info on it, so I am sure he would not mind me sharing it with you to give out since it has his website and tag info on the bottom of each page. I used to play DnD back in the 80's when I was station on the island of Guam (Navy vet here). Haven't found anyone to play with out here. Know where I can find an online group? In person is always better, but hey, playing is fun! Anyway, thank you again so much. Tell Jan thanks for sharing you with us and I am so glad she supports you and helps you . Man, hot-toddies delivered at night without even asking. Awesome Lady!


Thank you! Yeah I struck gold with Jen :-). And hey thank you for your service too :-)