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For this fun model from the Request Board I've created a new Folder in the Share Drive: Ravnica! It'll be a while before I take on that whole book and universe as a whole, but whenever I get a request for creatures from Magic the Gathering I'll post them in that folder :-D 

The stl can be found here too: https://www.shapeways.com/product/S79P3UBED/izzet-league-goblin 

Onto the next challenge! 




Just in time to test out the artificer class. :)


I love these Goblins... Gotta make a Campaign out of it


Just curious but do you have any of the genasi characters? Maybe I just dont know where to find them.


No, but any of my elven characters work as genasi. You just have to give them different paint jobs.


Where is this request board?


Hello. Four paragraphs down in my introduction on my main Patreon page :-)


Was that my request?


For the record his name is Zzzt. Also, dude I'm so freaking stoked right now that you made him. Thank you so much. I had a pretty long and physically strenuous day. I was laying in a mangled heap on my couch when I got an update request from the patreon app. I always click your new pieces you make anyways. then I saw it. I leapt from the couch and sprinted to my wife showing her what you made. I feel 10 times better still. Made my day. Thanks.


Oh wow! Well I'm very happy to hear this!


Yes, I know that sounded dramatic. lol but I'm a business owner who works harder than the people who work for me. As a result I get a lot of business. Which is great, but busy. and it's very stressful sometimes. I traveled the country constantly. I take more flights in a year than some people take in a lifetime. DnD minis and scene creation is therapeutic for me and it's on of the things that keeps me sane. I guess sometimes it's just a little things that make life great.