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Jen, the greatest wife of all time (fight me) went ahead and painted some minis today! She's interested in learning how to model as well, with a focus on terrain, so expect a terrain folder soon in the Share Drive :-D 

But anyway, she did a damn good job here so I'm quite proud. File is located here: https://www.shapeways.com/product/HVN2L2N48/myconid 

Full files in the Share Drive under M. They are Myconid version 3. 




Any advice on how to start learning blender?


There are a ton of tutorials on YouTube. I made a few myself


Oh man, she's gonna do terrain? I'm excited. Power couple right here.

Nathan Bursac

Wow! That is so super cool! Power TCB couple! I need some tall ruined walls. For my Frostgrave / Rangers of Shadow Deep terrain collection.


So awesome!! What a wife ;)