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Hello friends! So on top of Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, the Request Board, and the Monthly Tier Rewards, I'm going to take on another project when I have time. I'm going to revisit my older models from the Monster Manual and update them! I've learned a lot about modeling and making things easier to print for SLA or FDM minis, so its only fair to return to my older models to make it easier for the rest of you :-)

Are there any minis you feel should take priority? I was going to start at Letter A and make me way to the Appendixes, but if there is something you feel needs an immediate tune up let me know here. I'm going to cringe looking at some of my older pieces so this should be rather amusing to see how far I've come haha. 


Jason Silver

I think this is amazing and looking forward to it..

Jason Silver

Oh meant to add, when it comes to things like weapons, ankles and other potentially weak points, can it be beefed up a tiny bit to make them more durable? Just a thought :D


Very excited for an update on the Aboleth. Would like for it to hit my table soon! Please, and thanks so much for all your hard work!

Deneb Edwards

Bases for the elementals. Maybe some more female goblins.


I ran lost mines of phandelver recently, and while your golbin models are great, the hobgoblin one's printed at an odd size (they're supposed to man sized) and up scaling them made the bases huge. The bugbear model wasn't horrible but could use some love. Overall, as it is a starter adventure and so many new folks are getting into the hobby I think the ones in that adventure could use a pass over.


Thanks for the feedback! The bugbears were updated recently but yup those others need some work for sure.




Wolf. That thing is not FDM-friendly, and these ones just haven't gotten around to fixing it themselves. It has far too thin legs to be reliable on FDM. Another thing that could be useful would be some variations on humanoids. One of the NPCs with a bow has a model with a built-in support column that has to be cut away. Bow held horizontally. Can't remember what model it is. Riding Horse is pretty useless, as the model is split apart and the pieces don't fit together, leaving rather nasty-looking gaps. Anything else split apart too, really.


Skeletons, they always break at the ankles. Same with the zombies have various issues with not printing and when I dissolve the PLA there are no connections. Fixes with glue but any boost to the size by even 1mm on those would be huge


This is fantastic! Appreciate all you do! A lot of the older models look fantastic, but when you go to print them, they sometimes fail in unexpected ways. The most common problem I've found is that some of the models have thin walls and as such I have a hard time getting them to slice properly, yielding gaps. I've never seen any of that with the newer models though. If you are taking suggestions, I'd probably start with the humanoids. I know I've wanted to use the cultists in more than one campaign. And goblins and bugbears are rather common in just about anyone's campaign. Probably would be an immediate crowd-pleaser.


This is awesome. I would suggest that you try putting them in different positions than the old ones for variety.

Robb Nunya

I'd love for you to put out an unsliced, updated single piece Roc...


YES! I'm so excited to hear this! A newer leaner less chunky displacer beast would be cool. A bugbear update would also be awesome.


How about an Empyrean? It seems to be missing from the collection anyway.


I actually already updated the bugbears. But a new displacer beast is nice :-)


While your Gith (yanki or zerai) are certainly cool, any updates or additions would be super super cool


I think some more goblins in some different poses or just with some more variation would be awesome, personally!


I’m thinking Rakshasa!


This is awesome to hear. 😁 It's always gratifying to see improvement in your own artwork, I hope it's fun. I guess this is the only time to ask; have you considered using a Heroforge style base? They have sloped edges, and an inset bottom face. They print a bit more reliably on SLA than the slab style bases, which have a habit of warping just a millimetre here and there.


The Hydra would be my pick. Hard to get good hydras these days! Recently I printed your old blue dragon and it's still better than wrongly sized shop bought stuff and looks beyond fantastic.


These ones have commented before, but they discovered a bit of a flaw in the design of one of your other minis... The woolly mammoth. While different from your elephant mini, it is still too much like an elephant in appearance. First and foremost, its tusks are too small. They are known to be much larger than those of Elephants. - The length on the miniature is roughly 2 meters, the average for an african elephant. - For Mammoths, the size average is 2.4 to 2.7 meters, with the longest being closer to 4-5 meters. They also tend to corkscrew more than elephant tusks. These ones imagine that DMs who will use mammoths will probably want the most badass ones, not just average mammoths. Secondly, Mammoths tend to have more furred appearance than elephants. Your design has the shape of the body itself fairly right, but it has far too little fur hanging down. The fur on a mammoth is long, hanging far down its body, whereas your miniature has it roughly the same height as the belly of you elephant. These ones would recommend giving it more lengthy fur to make it stand out even more. of course, increasing the tusk size will make it harder to print, requiring more supports, so it could be worth considering to make the tusks a separate part with sockets in the model to insert them.


My first thought would be dragons but it is not the most common encounter. So, maybe goblins, skeletons, gnolls, kobold or orcs. And if possible in different shapes. But it is a lot of work.


As much as I love the current Remorhaz model, having one that’s more above-ground would be cool! Kind of like Nolzur Remorhaz.


Oh, and the Kraken too. The old one has a big difference in looks in comparison to your Malformed Kraken (which looks like the MM Kraken).


In some campaigns dragons are a bit more common. Such as those who mess around with the Tyranny of Dragons campaigns. Which reminds us... Why are all the Dragon Wyrmling miniatures small creatures using the small creature base? In the Monster Manual, they are listed as medium creatures.


Yeah skeletons will always be a challenge no matter what. I'll see what I can do but they're always going to be skinny in those areas.


Good call. Bugbears were updated recently though so there is that.


Yeah that model was a remix of an elephant model I found. Good call.


Really happy to hear this! As another person said, it would be nice if the bases were a little more sophisticated than just thin slabs - mine also warp unless I over-support them a ton on my photon. Love your work!


Not sure if dropbox or Shapeways allows you any way of seeing what files get downloaded/printet most. But if I were to prioriticze I would start out with undeads. Then the Flumph (my son REALLY wants this). Then take animals and eventually get around to A - Z. Why? Because from my own expereince these are the ones you put on the table in bulk, which make it ideal for 3D print. And for some odd reason there aren't that many of them out there. Take zombie, for instance. Plenty of zombie models around, but not for fantasy 3D print.


Thanks. Sorry but I'm not going to change the bases. That would take forever. However, to avoid that problem in the photon I print my objects at a 45 degree angle on their backs. The stands turn out perfect every time.


This is excellent news! Can you do some Demons? My party is likely to encounter them in early summer.


I mean I already made them but yeah I'll touch them up haha


Awesome idea!!! IMO your models are really great, they just could use some more details (textured skin on monsters, details/engraves/borders on armors weapons or cloth) and to reinforce weak pints like ankles, elbows, hands. I wish I could help you do it Miguel, even so my sculpt skills are not even basic at the moment.


Any chance we could get you to include the blender rigging on your models? It's awesome having a horde of zombies, rats, or whatever else, but it'd be nice to be able to pose them to add some variation.


I always share my files when I rig them, but I rarely do thus you haven't seen many files like this. I'll keep this in mind in the future :-)


I would say the classic mob creatures could use a touch up and maybe a couple different poses, like the skeletons, goblins, bandits, etc


Giants, Golems or Demons would be my vote.


As stated above, the 'usual suspects' would have my preference... skeletons, zombies, goblins, orcs, kobolds, hobglins, bugbears, ogres, etc and then preferable in a number of poses :-) Will be needing 50 or so skeletons for barrowmaze... not that I will print that number... but a few variations would be nice :-)


I'd rather not. Heroforge has their own style and I'm my own. Also that would take months to replace every single base and reexport them all into the public sites they're published too. I'll make these bases and have them ready in the Basics drive in the future if you want to swap them in Blender though.


The skeletons will always be a challenge no matter what changes I make, but I'll see what I can do.


Gotcha. The Bugbears are updated at least. As for different poses, I'll see what I can do :-)


Super excited for this! I spent most of last night touching up (adding muscles, tendons and what not) a stone giant for my campaign, but I'm nowhere near as talented as you are haha. So, my vote is, Giants.


This is awesome! I don't know if I'd call it a priority, but if you get around to updating your dragons, having them in flying positions so you can put them on a flight stand would be super cool.


Also, a new dracolich with the level of detail you put into your models now would be amazing.


They have thin legs, and should have thin legs, because they're skeletons. I could thicken them to make them easier to print but they wouldn't look right. So not so much a challenge. More just a dilemma between looking right vs printing right. I'll make two versions then.


the giants in the monster manuel


What about ruined clothing to act as support / scaffolding and ate width to the legs and arms with out just making it thicker?


I agree with Jan, Having some of these "stock races and monsters in different poses would be nice. thanks for all the great modeling and work you put in


To be 100% honest ... please revisit the most common of things PC's encounter first. Many of your older most common models could do with updating to your new standards.


One other request would be the mephits. I've tried and tried, and they either break when I try to remove the supports, or there's not enough support and they fail. I have yet to print a successful one.


(I requested giants and my comment seems to have been eaten?) I've noticed the giants are too short (compare Duke Zalto to the generic fire giant and the Jarl to the generic frost giant). They're about the size of an ogre. Might be worth a quick tweak.


I see that comment just fine. Yeah they should def get a tune up soon. Also as for the mephits, those were updated recently and I've seen many people print them. Have you printed them on their backs? Whats your support structure? I could probably size them up or thicken the wings if anything.


Ha. Mobile. I see it now. I didn't realize the mephits got an update. I might have the old one saved on my computer. I'll check it out. Thanks!


Modrons! The Quadrone in particular is adorably ridiculous looking!


I'd love to see some of the "alternative" versions of certain monsters, like the Hobgoblin Captain or the Orc Eye of Gruumsh. And some female orcs!