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Hello friends! Next up in Tome of Beasts we have:

  • Gearforged Templar - this is an armored automaton is a paragon of defense. This was fun to put together. The body was one of my original knight models from years ago, but the little mech details are fresh models. All in all I'm very happy with how this turned out! For FDM printing I recommend printing as is with organic supports. On his back works too. Resin users get the usual presupported file.

  • Gerridae - this is an interesting fey mount is basically a giant water strider elves use as mounts that live near large bodies of fresh water. This was a fun model to build from the ground up. I think I just like insects haha. This one should be easier to print than most bugs given I made multiple contact points on the size marker. For FDM printing I recommend blocking any supports under the legs, and using organic supports. For resin users the usual presupported file is up.

    That's all for now! Enjoy!



Aaron Bono

The way the templar is holding the sword is very awkward - kind of like he has never wielded a sword before. At the very least the front elbow needs to be up providing better mobility. Do you have these models rigged so adjustments like that are easy to do?


The body is rigged. The head and other mechanical details are individual objects.