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Hello friends! Today I decided to cut loose and had a lot of fun modeling the winner of the Silly Mini Poll, the Goblin Janitor! This was a very silly mini to make, and I'm happy to report I already printed it lol. I'll paint it over the weekend and post pics on my socials. But yes, this was a lot of fun to model. I can just imagine throwing him into my next game. Just a disgruntled dungeon janitor who has to clean up after the adventurers make a big ol mess of everything. "Sigh... I got goblets to feed so whatever -_- "

Also I decided to work on the last Fey Lady from Tome of Beasts, the Snow Queen! This evil archfey can be a cruel mistress of the frozen wastes. Something tells me she just needs to ... let it go, let it go, and be one with the wind and sky. Or something like that :P I had a lovely time sculpting up her extra long braid. The snowy cape was a fun detail to work on too. I also made a commercial safe version of her called Noble Elf Female in Misc Patron Requests -Misc NPCs - Nobles other.

That's all for now. If you're in the U.S. I hope you have a lovely Memorial Day weekend. I'll get back to this on Tuesday. Take care and thanks again for your continued support friends :)



Captn McSammy

Yay, glad to see my suggestion coming to life! Fills me with joy reading that you had so much fun creating it