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I'm sorry, but I broke my arm, the ulnar process broke off (fell unsuccessfully)

God I'm so upset.....

I don't know now when I will be available to draw again, I apologize


so sorry(((

I have a couple of finished works, I'll post them later

thank you all,  bye<3


Jess Smith

Don’t worry! Get well soon!


Hope you'll get better soon man. No need to apologize, the situation is fully understandable. :)


No problem! Just get better and take care of yourself.

John Smith

That sucks wish you a swift recovery


Dont worry. Just take care of yourself


that's so unfortunate. sorry about that.


Get Well

Kenneth Winkelman

Dude that sucks in all the wrong ways.


Just joined your patreon. You are way more productive than Pit, who is out of the game pretty much. I hope you recover soon.

Joe Snuffy

OOOFFFF that is a very painful break. I hope you can keep it immobilized long enough to heal and then that any rehab you do isn't too difficult.