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what do you think about this style in comics with lines and with simple painting?)



Devin Dickie

I love your simple work as well as your more intense detailed work!


Amazing work Temo, this style looks really good and I think it would work really well in a comic. The style you have used in the previous comics and pages I think is just as good. Maybe for smaller comics like this you could use the more simple style and larger more demanding comics you could go with the more complex style or vice versa. Either is great. Ivy looks great, hope to see more of the legendary Jenny and Kitty soon haha. You’re work just gets better and better, it’s incredible quality.


these facial expressions..❤ perfect 👌


In my opinion i perfer this style against that style that you used in kitty comic

John Smith

Love this style


Love both.... surprise us


Once again the beautiful breasts!


your simple painting is really good !!! you should make it ;)


I like it!


I like it, and you will have to keep it simple so comic pages don't take forever and tire you out. You can still do a more complex style for pinups


I think the most important thing is to have fun! Especially in a comic where you're doing more but you can lean on the story. So as long as you enjoy making the art and telling the story it's all good.

Mael Kae

As long as you can simplify the background, such style with lines and a minor lightning gives us a really good view!) In my opinion you can work just a bit deeper on the faces and expressions, leaving rest just as way as you did. Hope to see more fomics from you soon!)


Very wholesome. This does seem better for comics, for sure.