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Introducing: Character Concepts for characters and their sprites! You'll notice the main cast is naked because: I have to design different outfits for each part of each chapter, to animate following a template for each one of them. This is how they will appear moving toward the camera.

The bottom row is made up of NPCs that may or may not necessarily move. The opening first half of the prologue only has Yoko, Kira, The Police Officer, The Crude Gentleman (The one beside Yoko), Two Grandmas, a Sporty Pedestrian, the Barista and a Cashier.

Yoko and Kira will have one outfit each and will change outfits by the time you see them again in the story.

The second half of the prologue will have Cassandra, Imai-Sama, Kawagishi and Eto-Sama. As well as a Grandpa not yet shown.

Kawagishi and Imai-Sama will all have two outfits for this part. Cassandra will not need an outfit change until Chapter 01.

The script for the first few episodes and prologue are already completed. <3

I apologize for the delay. I hit a bit of a rough patch.

For the last few years I was trying to figure out what I wanted, who I was doing my art for and if maybe God was pushing me in a different direction in my life.

But I've realized that this is who I am and what I do, and that I'm doing this for a reason- whatever that may be.

And if this is the role I'm going to play- then I'm going to play it well.

Thank you all for waiting.




Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-15 07:14:47 Jesus, Cassie with the eight pack. 👍💪. And Eto San, and.. Yoko's sister.. (forgot her name🤦‍♀️). lol Love me some delicious bellies and abs too
2023-04-14 22:06:46 Jesus, Cassie with the eight pack. 👍💪. And Eto San, and.. Yoko's sister.. (forgot her name🤦‍♀️). Edit - Kira! It's Kira. lol. Love me some delicious bellies and abs too

Jesus, Cassie with the eight pack. 👍💪. And Eto San, and.. Yoko's sister.. (forgot her name🤦‍♀️). Edit - Kira! It's Kira. lol. Love me some delicious bellies and abs too


By the way, you don't have to feel obligated or get so uncertain about what it is you're doing. Just do what you like. If you want to draw, draw. Feel like making a game?, make a game. You don't have to talk absolutes like, "this is who I am" or there's a reason for what you do etc. You're just you, man. And you draw what you like. So don't worry so much. Anyway, great work, man. 👍


Thanks, but didn’t you know? I’m a SITH. Of course I deal in absolutes. 🔥