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I’m serious. For all the shit I got all these years for being “paranoid” about how other artists and users treat me in the community, I hired a guy that did a check and discovered that it was “your competition” that’s been using a MASS REPORT application off of Github to silence my accounts.

on Twitter, Reddit, Tiktok and Instagram.

And for each time I get angry, or upset and speak out- everyone either agrees with me in DMs (then shames me outside of them), or keep quiet and let the groups have their way.

Now, a close friend and supporter admitted to creating FALSE IMAGES of chats AND ACCOUNTS to set me off against other people and artists because he: FOUND IT FUNNY.


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this community?

This has been going on since I first JOINED, so better yet, what in the hell is wrong with me for sticking around?!

This is why ya’ll keep losing artists, run off any females and are actually looked down on below furries in the fetish world.

The only ones sticking up for one another are the ones doing kiddy porn.

I cannot fight these applications. And I won’t use them against other artists because that’s the most pathetic and desperate thing I would never even consider taking part in.

So please, for the love of God. Give me one good reason to keep doing any art whatsoever after I finish this last commission. Because I KNOW many users were in Necdaz’s chat when his little kiddy porn group got sicked on me for quietly blocking them.

And NOBODY spoke out. I could have used help from ANY. ONE. PERSON.

Just one.


Jadeite Nefrítis

Wow this is very much to take in here but I'm gonna be real with ya honestly they are getting to you by making you like your the bad guy. I know it's hard to ignore but it will only get worst if you let it get to you and let them have their way of troubling you. If you want my input I say you shouldn't quit cause of people like that you need to better than that and show them that you ain't gonna give in due to some drama. I'm not sure if this helps but I for one can say that you have great talent in art and giving up on it would be a big downfall don't make a choice you might regret (but if you do give up just take a break and enjoy the time to yourself let your mind be a ease and take much time as you need)


So - id say that for me im not active in the community at all, i support you and billvicous art on patreon, buy some stuff on mtjpub and thats about the extent of it - so that being said it sucks your getting targeted by other artist. If you want to continue its because theres art, games, projects, etc that you want to do - What i mean to say is, if theres something you want to do, you will have people that support you, that like you're work and arent especially concerned or involved with the community at large.


Bro, you can't expect random people on the net to come to your aid. I don't know Nec's side or even very much of your side, I don't follow drama much, but most of us are here for the art. I don't know you personally, and I wouldn't risk upsetting anyone else to defend you. People on the net are one thing, but this supposed close friend of yours sounds messed up. I completely understand why you're so upset with loli artists, but you probably shouldn't make more enemies right now by referring to loli as kiddy porn. The thing is your current enemies probably aren't going to stop. I don't know if you can do anything about it unless you want to pursue irl legal action for harassment. It really sucks man. I'd love to tell you to tough it out, but that's only going to hurt you. You don't really have a reason to stick around and even if you did is worth your mental health? You have fans, you could just continue to grow your own community. There's no easy answer. It's your decision. Maybe just take some time off and think about it. If you want to talk or want me to get to know you personally you can hit me up in messages.


Loli porn is kiddy porn. Lolis aren’t always children but they are designed to represent childish traits. Pretending to be underage for porn is kiddy porn. It’s harmless if it’s not being done for fetish or porn purposes.

Undead Writer

So. I don’t do the community things. No twitter, discord, etc. It’s not worth it. My advice, Do what you enjoy. Stay with the people who want to see your art. Or at least the people who still pay for it. Those are the people who actually like your stuff and who actually care about your craft. I followed you for the HIPFC stuff(totally not saying I don’t enjoy your other things). But you need to understand, no one cares about these crappy people. You shouldn’t care either. Do what you like, screw the haters. Get better at your craft and those haters will cry themselves to sleep hating how successful you are. Do your own thing man. That’s life.


But apparently I can expect randos to stalk me all their lives. Good chat.


Know that I'll always support you, even if I don't speak much. 👍


Okay man I’m going to be completely honest with you. When you announced that you wouldn’t be doing any underage content for drawing I didn’t have an issue you have you principals and stuck to them some people didn’t like it but that could be their issue. What I didn’t like was that when your fellow “haters” questioned why you announced this you called everyone a “pedo” and refused to hear anyones thoughts. Calling guys “pedos” was not cool and just wrong, liking “loli” or “shota” or any character that’s technically a minor doesn’t make you a pedofile. Pedofilia is a very serious crime so I can see why that were very insulted and continue to send hate toward you. I even considered unfollowing you because of this I thought you had lost your mind and you were so unreasonable during that whole event on twitter. But I stuck with you because I think you are a very talented artist and I enjoy your work and take a ton of inspiration from you, you motivate me to continue with my own art. Some of those guys won’t ever forgive you cause you insulted them, so don’t keep playing the victim for this unwanted hate because it was kinda warranted, still them continuing to harass you and censor your work sucks and it would be better for everyone to just move on but that’s not how everyone works. You just gotta know that there are still people who are here thar support you and you have to do what you can to move past this drama and do what you love and what to do and if that’s going to be another platform than so be it I’ll continue to support you!


I don't join groups and social networks, they are too toxic and hurtful because you argue with people who don't want to change their opinion and you make a lot of enemies. You are asking for reasons to continue making art and the truth is that I can't give you any reason other than the selfishness of wanting to see all the projects you left unfinished. What I would do is ignore all those people and concentrate on my health first, you were already in bad health some time ago and the networks and their toxicity will only make it worse. I usually don't comment much because I don't speak much English.

Philip Flintosh

Because you set an example and being the light in a sea of bullshit is never easy. Granted you have to be willing to accept that this may not change for years but that many of us are still here beside you. You are so much better than them because there is a line you won't cross. I mean, fetishizing anything has little to do with logic and more to do with impulse and reactions to stimulation so the fact that you won't cross that sick line speaks volumes. Granted it doesn't matter how much we are here for you, and we are, what matters is your mental state having to deal with this on a daily basis. Also that friend is not your friend and, in my opinion, should be removed from your life. No real friend does shit like that just to amuse themselves. No matter what you chose to do, we support it. At the end of the day you need to do what's right for yourself first and foremost.


Warranted, huh? “It’s wrong but you deserve it.” Do you understand how messed up that logic is? I said doing fetish art of lolicons is pedo art. Which it is. Goodbye.


I have little knowledge on what is going on I am just here for the HIPFK (hope I got it right ^-^)


I do not intend to speak for everyone though I feel the general consensus here is that you've got the support, both financial and moral here on this platform. You've got a fan base already established, you're going to continue to grow naturally as you have thus far, because you care and it's important to you. It seems like you're trying to force that growth to some degree. You're very talented, and have a real gift for storytelling and from reading what you've posted over time you also seem to have genuine values and standards which is great. My unsolicited advice; you're the captain of your own ship, so steer it where you will, but you have to understand that if you're going to walk out into a sea of shit (twitter, "free" platforms) you're going to get some on you or more. If you let it, it'll drown you man. And no one who cares about you and your art wants to see that.

Dan White

Jesus, that was incredibly scummy what that guy did by faking posts. I'd just do what you can to get away from those people and not think about them. Don't give social media any power over you, or at least try to take it back. We just live in a world where people throw out hate for no reason - I don't think there's any 'fix', I think we just need to ignore the bad and press on. To quote Sailor Moon: "If all they do is give you issues, unsubscribe." I of course hope you keep at it and bounce back from this quickly, but please do what is right for your mental health.


I would love to discuss this as I think it's an interesting topic, but I won't bug you. You can hit me up if want to. I may disagree, but I certainly don't think you should be hated for your opinion, and you have the right to block whoever you want. About your supporters being "randos", I have no idea. I don't interact with your other supporters on a regular basis so I wouldn't know. I like you but I have no personal connection to you. Chatting a bit about impersonal topics on the net isn't really enough to form a bond with someone. Unless you do it a lot. Not that you can't make good friends on the net. Last thing is your tone is bit off, I understand why it would be, I just want to make sure it's not directed at me, as im just trying to be honest and real. I apologize if i've upset you further.


Whoa whoa WHAT? The mass reporting app thing is pathetic but doesn't surprise me that someone might do that. But your friend making all that doctored shit for lulz? That's even more fucked. I don't know who Necdaz is, likely because I do not partake in loli/shota stuff which seems to be what they're into? But just... wtf. Do you think they were the ones responsible for the mass reporting stuff or is that something that has yet to be determined? I already saw you came to the conclusion to keep doing art that you love, which I'm relieved for. If people are going to be that fickle then focusing on what YOU enjoy instead of catering to the audience is definitely the better way to go about it. I mean... honestly, that's probably the best route to go anyway if at all possible. I'm glad you didn't give up on things because... that's exactly what people like those others WANT you to do. Beyond that, I'm sure many of us that enjoy your stories like seeing you create out of passion.