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So originally, I was making this with a secret Twitter account, and I figured I‘d advertise it on Reddit and such, just to see how things went.

I managed to get 5 or so followers in a couple of days, which isn’t so bad for a non-lewd comic posting sketches.

But- I decided that if I had the time to do these sketches there, this is actually something I should be doing exclusively HERE!

So, if you all would like that, I’m going to start doing these here and only here!

It works like this:

1. Each poll will be 24 hours long.

2. At the end of each poll, I will draw another page.

3. Unlike on Twitter where I made all the poll choices, I’ll grab some from the comments!

4. Feel free to get hella lewd.

5. So you’ll get two-three pages a week. All sketchy like this. No special shading or bells or whistles.

Have fun with it!

Note: The result of the poll on the third page was that she accepts the deal! So I shall soon draw another page and let ya’ll vote on what happens next!




Knight of the Round

Heck yeah! Always excited for new content. Looking forward to seeing what happens

Undead Writer

Nice!! Looks cool! Can’t wait for more!