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Regarding this latest “incident”. I was cyber bullied for quietly blocking anyone posting underage content on twitter. Which lead to all of my friends either being banned from Nec’s chat permanently (regardless of their involvement) or leaving.

Following that, my Tiktok and Twitter received false reporting en masse. All of this stopped after I threatened to take Nec and Finura to actual court, unless Nec told everyone to stop. So of course, he did. (Well, he told them to “for now.” Which is pretty fucked up. I’m not sure what I did to personally anger someone who claims to not know who I am.)

So now, following this and seeing zero defense from the community, I’ll be focusing purely on Patreon, and games. No more free stuff. (Clarification: Outside of Patreon! I’ll still do sketches and stuff here!)

I’m still receiving the occasional threats and messages btw. As well as reports. Someone has a real hard on for me.

Anyhow, the damage has been done to those accounts. Luckily, Patreon doesn’t have an algorithm that goes crazy with unsubstantiated claims. Even when more than half of my TikTok videos were restored (because none of them broke the sexual content rule they were all reported for), the algorithm still holds a certain noose.

So, that’s how it is now. I’m not angry with anyone, but I am really disappointed.

Look, I don’t think anyone is a pedo for liking lolis. But arguing with a FETISH artist for not wanting to see or draw FETISH art of them makes you look like one, for sure.

Now, I am currently in the process of script writing for a VN, and will be posting every episode once they reach approximately two hours in length.

I’ll update you once I am further along.

If, for whatever reason this Patreon ceases to exist, it will not be intentional. You’ll still be able to contact me on my Deviantart here: https://www.deviantart.com/michaelscottcannon

While I work things out and start anew elsewhere (if it comes to that).


Dan White

Jesus Christ, I'm so fuckin sorry. It ain't anyone's business what content someone else does and doesn't want to see. That shit ain't right and I'm sorry you've had to deal with it.


Oh wow I never expect things to be this bad

Jadeite Nefrítis

That's terrible this is messed up but people should understand and follow the rules they just don't want to and end up causing more trouble 😒


It all began originally because I started a chat with 3 rules. 1. Must be 18+ 2. No underage content 3. No politics/religion


People asked why I didn’t just mute them. I was unaware of the mute function when I started, so I just ket blocking instead. Either way it’s none of their business. 🙃

Dan White

I block people all the time just... not anything personal, but I don't want them popping on my feed. That's all. Shit's wild.

Jadeite Nefrítis

Those are super easy to follow and they can't respect that? Wow what a world we live in 😅

Black out

So what I am hear is. A bunch of idiots didn't like something you did. And instead of doing the grown up thing, they instead choose to be childish and attach you and anyone whom supports you because they don't have lives... Am I getting this correct?


One of them being the chat host themselves. But yeah, that’s my understanding. Then when faced with the real world consequences, the people with something to lose buckled.

Undead Writer

Hope things work out. I don’t actually care about what others think. They are computer screens. You shouldn’t either. Post what you like.