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(CORRECTION: He got kicked. After this post somebody reinvited him.)

So for ya’ll that don’t know, there’s been some recent drama over my anti under 18 ruling on Twitter. I block accounts that post them, always have.

And a lot of people got really mad, because an artist named Kanden made a post that rallied people. So I got all these users popping in to call me a hypocrite, claiming that their headcanon ages for characters that were never given ages (Bea, Kale & Caulifla) were really canon and thus I was a hypocrite????

So, last night and today I’m learning that I’m living rent free in four Discord chatrooms. (I’m infamous!)

Which is fine! But now, one of my friends was banned from Necdaz’s server by Finuraarts for simply being my friend and existing.

He was also called a boot licker? Which is funny. Like haha funny, because the fetish is feet so pretty much everyone around is a boot licker, but I digress. 😂

Anyway, you guys know this is wrong, right? Or is the community REALLY that far gone That it’s ok to attack my friends SIMPLY for being my friends?

Is nobody going to say anything?



This is the first I'm hearing of any drama (don't really use Twitter too much) but I still feel as though the argument of "You're a hypocrite for trying to not draw characters that aren't legal" is just a really bad take from their side. There's a reason why people think people in this community are creeps and getting mad about an artist that doesn't draw underaged characters is fucking mind-blowing. Glad you're sticking to your guns here Mike.


Well, one of them linked to Google that says Bea is 15, because Google is getting that info from a forum where everyone is posting their headcannon ages and Google just picked one. 😂


Pardon my language. That’s some Grade A bullshit. God forbid you have standards. Some guy just doesn’t like you cause you don’t draw the characters they like, and take it out on others just to hurt you. Fuck em. Let them run their mouths all they’re doing is shitting on the floor. You do you boss man.


But it happens all the time. Many years ago, when I first started, my only rule was that characters had to at least APPEAR to be over 18, but over time I realized they were pushing for younger and younger and that they didn’t have a filter. So I gave myself a permanent filter and renounced the BS. And they just absolutely CANNOT STAND IT.

Knight of the Round

I second what Rojack was saying. I’m of the opinion that the bad apples in the bunch smell the most. I like to think that most of the followers are cool with the rules and not trying to lewd children, but those that want to will be more vocal than the rest of us. Sorry that this is happening to you. At the very least, more people talking about you means more people are viewing your artwork


Yeah I noticed a lot of likes on the art they were trying to attack stacking up. ROFL!

Dan White

Why would anyone care who you block? Everyone has their own comfort level and red flags they don't want to see. People need to get themselves some hobbies. Sorry your friend had to go through that, seems pretty shitty.

Undead Writer

Don’t even think about them. They aren’t worth the time. Do what you love and move on


The boot licker part is just funny asf. I mean, for a FF community isn't it somehow positive to call someone boot licker?


Beyond just not having the time/energy right now, the DRAMA is why I'm bascally an anti-social hermit now. Someone's always got something to say about someone else. If they're bullying someone for who their friends are, that's a display of their character and it's nothing of value lost for the friend, even if it sucks. It's one thing to be like, "I can't get on with so and so because-" and "Wow you're their friend? Fuck you."