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My wife asked me why I hate doing commissions, and she suggested that, maybe it was because I didn’t like other people telling me how to do things.

At first, I wanted to just agree. I can’t say for sure why. Instead, I decided to be honest with her and say, “Because I never feel my art is good enough.”

I always feel like my work isn’t up to standard for commissions. I mean, I know it’s good, but I don’t feel individual pieces are ever GOOD ENOUGH.

It’s very stressful. It’s the reason I always ADD freebies to commissions. Because maybe I need to make up for how bad I really think it is.

My wife wanted to argue with me, to try and convince me of how good she believes I am and how she believes I need to resume commissions. I told her if she figures out a way to convince me to let me know: because I haven’t found a way yet after all this time.

BUT- I may consider opening commissions soon, but for now… I think I’d rather hear everyone’s thoughts. Again, the process has ALWAYS been very stressful for me. That’s why I hate it when people pay me in advance. “What if I can’t deliver?” And then something always happens.

Cheers. ❤️


Scribe of Bahamut

You always deliver! Whatever you post just blows my mind at how great it is! If you ever open commissions again, I’ll definitely hit you up!!!


Mmmmmm well, it seems to me that if it is something that makes you uncomfortable it would not be a good idea to do it, although you could do a survey again. In my case I would like you to dedicate yourself to the projects you already have pending and when you finish you could dedicate your free time to make the commissions.

Jadeite Nefrítis

Dude I'm gonna be real with you what you saying is nonsense I say that cause your art is amazing your details your colors even the sketches are awesome. Do not belittle yourself you are an amazing artist and if you ever do commissions I love to see you do my OC's in your style I believe they would look amazing 🤩


Your art rocks! Just look at the support you currently have. I bet any one here would be delighted to ask for a commission and trust your view and your take on it. I know I’d jump in the line. There is a thing about trusting the artist to deliver and not only that, but seeing how YOU see things :)

Sole Scream

This is what scares me from offering customs. Having said that, you are your worst critic by miles. You're also a perfectionist. I'd say set clear expectations and start from there.

Undead Writer

YES!! Please open commissions! Love your art and would love to see more!


I used to think it was one of those two things, but for me I realized it's sort of the halfway point between the two. I don't think my work is bad but I don't like it being judged to a set standard. I make things that just reflect my own development and creativity and let people take or leave them as I want. But when you make the transition from art to product you all of a sudden find yourself conforming to rules you may fall short of just because your vision didn't exactly line up with the customer. It's not really the fear of being appraised badly, I just sort of dislike the position of being appraised at all.


Just ask and you will receive hundreds of comissooms


As someone who works as a professional artist myself I completely relate to this feeling of impostor syndrome or not feeling you're good enough to deliver. It's a tough thing to balance, I found it easier when someone reminded me "well they hired you based on what they've seen of your work already, so that was clearly evidence enough for them to want to pay you to do more for them". I sometimes find it helpful to look back on work I did a few years back and see how much I've improved in that time, it can be a good way to boost your confidence and see why people want you to do art for them. Remember, people love your work. If you focus too much on your criticism of your work, you'll miss out on the joy you're bringing to people. Don't let it get you down dude! We can't wait to see more of your awesome art!

Dan White

If you ever want a monetary excuse to draw more Star Ocean 2 girls, drop me a line. :3