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So, as many of you know, keeping a schedule was almost impossible these past few years. I've had to take care of both of my parents who were suffering health crisis (Not even mentioning my own crisis for a while there), but things have *KNOCK ON WOOD* calmed down. Finally.

So, after asking everyone what their thoughts were (And being reminded that I'm a dumby and already did a poll on this), We'll be looking at a new SCHEDULE & PLAN.

HIPFC seems to be the TOP THING ON THE WISHLIST. So, we're making that a daily thing for me to work on. That doesn't mean I'll be able to pop one out of everyday, but it does mean I'll constantly be working on it.

I'll also be working on Professor Sada all week, until all of the images in her set are complete!

THURSDAY & FRIDAY I'll be doing livestreams at 4PM EDT on Twitch. I can't do fetish stuff, but bare feet are kind of a given!

At night, I'll be spending my time working on the 2D Game I was working on before I got pulled in another direction again.

My PLAN- is to complete this short 2D Game, so I can learn everything I need to do in order to make another.

For a 3D Game, I could do all the 3D models, level designs, sound design, etc etc- but I would never have time to give you all anything else- WHICH IF THAT WAS COOL with everyone, I'd make that the top priority. Since I have no way of knowing if that's cool (Not everyone speaks up), I've come up with an alternate plan:

Create HIPFC as a 2D Adventure Game (With Tickling, Sex, etc.), and THEN turn around and attempt to kickstart a 3D recreation. That way I can hire people to do other jobs, and have a much quicker turnaround- as opposed to a project that could take me upwards of 3 years or more.

I'm not trying to get into DEVELOPMENT HELL. Everytime I start one of these projects, I realize I'm essentially abandoning you guys and other things and end up running back. And the truth is: I have to abandon one or the other, each and every time.

Fortunately, The MINAMI CHRISTMAS GIFT VN, has proven that I can get a game done! So now I'm using software even to aid with animation - because hand drawing every single animation will take months upon months worth of work!

So please, continue to bear with me, while I get er done!

I thank you all again, from the bottom of my heart, for your patience and understanding!

I always want to do even more, but I know that I often try to do too much.

Thank you for your time.




Oh that post asking for feedback is gone? Aw mannnnn I didn't get to give any :'(


Nah it’s still there, and you can still give feedback! By all means!!

Undead Writer

Thanks! I can’t wait to see more HIPFC!


I think this seems like a really good approach, you've clearly had some hard choices to make creatively but I think does an excellent job satisfying as many avenues as possible whilst also keeping some long term goals in mind


oh my only feedback is I've been a follower of yours for years, since you were drawing superheroes tickling each other (Huntress/Batgirl, Rogue/American Dream, Canary/Zatanna, WW/Storm) and like.... I would love to see more of that. Especially Marvel :D
