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You're LUCKY that Raven hasn't just cast you into the Abyss. BUT THEN, it's KINDA HARD TO CAST A SPELL when you're laughing and trashing like she is! Too bad she doesn't derive her strength from JOY like STARFIRE! 😬


THIS is the correct size for Patreon Art. My IPad had been scaling work down. Probably because this scale is actually... quite unreasonable for uploads and the IPAD. This is seriously taking forever...

I'm going to have to find some way to keep myself busy every time I have to upload art. Like... I might need a second IPad. Seriously, this is ridiculous. It's giving me way too much time to type.

I may go back to letting the IPad scale them down because wtf.





Undead Writer

I just hope Raven learns to enjoy it and ask for more tickling from starfire