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I’m starting to forget how long I’ve been sick now.

3-4 years? And I’ve tried spinal correction, CT Scans, MRIs, Ultrasounds, Various Injections, an Upper Endoscopy, Xrays, Chinese Medicine, Spiritual Healers, Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Physical Therapy and god knows how many consultations.

But this Thursday I’ll be seeing a Doc regarding a surgery for: My old Hernia Mesh.

As it turns out, if you google “Hernia Mesh Adhesions”, you’ll find a list of my symptoms. And you’ll also learn that APPARENTLY, these adhesions don’t appear in any tests. You have to cut into a person and use a camera to SEE them.

Adhesions are like, strings of tissue that come from a scar’s attempt to heal by bonding to other nearby organs.

In this case, it APPEARS that strings are wrapping around my lower intestines and choking off their blood supply.

I had mentioned before that Chinese Medicine docs were saying the bloodflow to my intestines was poor.

This would apparently be the reason.

So yeah, I’m sorry it’s taken MAYBE this long. I’m sorry I don’t churn out art like I used to.

But now I’m having them just remove the mesh. My body will have to hold together well enough on it’s own.

I’m done.

Thank you all for your continued support.




Wishing you luck and strong recovery, man. Take as much time as you need.


I hope you get some relief with this procedure!


Take as much time as you need, man! Best of luck!


JFC if this turns out to be it.... I'm going to be relieved you figured it out but sooo frickin' mad. It took over three years of me constantly begging for them to check Cal's mesh for them to finally do so and fix it. But same thing, all the scans, pain clinics, a $60k surgery to put a nerve stimulator in and then another to take it out... etc, etc. And it all boiled down to his mesh having detached and rolled up. I'm rooting for you hun, but no matter whether this pans out or not -- focus on healing and getting better!! I know far too well how hard it is to accept that being sick so long is not something to apologize for, but it's NOT YOUR FAULT. Art and such can wait for those times you feel ok enough. No matter how infrequent that may be. *hugs tight*


I’m pretty tore up about it. I think I’ve finally come to the end of my rope. But then, everytime I feel that way I find more rope. 🙃