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Dragon Ball Z, Alternate Reality -

GOKU has left Kami House to

prepare for the new Android Threat. Unbeknownst to our hero, the

Androids finally arrive at his home to find him. The occupants of Kami

House all attack the Androids in earnest to buy our hero time but are

all defeated... with Android #17 suggesting that they take Goku's wife

Chichi back to their Van for Interrogation. Android #18 notes her

disgust with her brother's games until he reveals his plan: reminding

his sister of a similar and effective fate that she suffered at the

hands of Dr. GERO:


and frustrated with these past events, #18 is tempted by the idea of

taking out these feelings on the older woman... and what they might


Agreeing with her brother, #18 picks Chi-Chi up from the

dirt and takes her back with them. They don't even bother to bind her as

she awakens and the interrogation begins.

Chi-Chi proves to be a fighter, albeit a hysterical one.




An Abduction scenario. Enjoy!





You know how much I love C18 and now seeing her with Chi-Chi... Amazomatic!!!!


please, give us more android 18 in dominant situation!


Now Chi Chi was never one really seen in a ticklish situation, I freaking love it! I'd personally KILL to see 18 year old Chi Chi and Bulma from the 22nd Tournament in such a ticklish situation.