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Well- That’s what the CTA done last night concluded! I ended up in the ER due to a massive migraine almost knocking me unconscious! Apparently, it had gone untreated aince last Saturday and that was the end result!

My neurosurgeon would still like to do a more invasive angiogram, but I don’t feel that’s necessary. Because CTAs have been proven to be just as efficient when it comes to finding Aneurysms. And it turns out that the MRI simply had an anomaly.

Anywho- I’m now going to focus on taking these meds and resting so I can get back to work ASAP!!!

Also, since RPG MAKER MZ is out, I’ll be porting over the work I’m doing in MV to MZ, so you all get a far more beautiful monitor resolution!





Great to hear! Now take those pills! Except the pain ones, I should test those to make sure they’re safe!


Glad to hear you're doing well now! 😁👍


MZ is pretty nice so far, I'm just incredibly happy that it has the MULTI LAYER MAPPING BACK WOOOO And good grief I'm so relieved to hear about the medical update!!!!!!