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So- I’ve been doing things! I swear! While coming to terms with my mortality, I guess!

I did a demo for COG (Children of GANT) an RPG Maker Game. And I did this: started building Yoko and Cassandra’s school and prototyping a TICKLE-POCALYPSE Game.

Why?! Because I can’t find any 3D modelers to work with me on the other project. So I decided to just make what I could now without anyone’s help:

A 3rd Person Shooter. Think Left4Dead, but with zombies that tickle the girls to death instead.

I know how to do everything I need to do to make this game. I’m just buying some assets. Then, when I’ve got everything built and have the first scenario completed: I’mma add three more girls and see if I can make it a cooperative shooter.

Then I’ll grab three people from the Patreon Discord to help me make sure that works!! Discord: https://discord.gg/mXEXYtx

I just need to stop right now and do more art.

I’m thinking an animation of Darkness tickling Albedo. Once my eyes get some rest.



Knight of the Round

I feel like I may know the answer but why won’t any modelers work with you?


One part I’m most likely not looking in the right place. Second part: Porn? I guess?


Typed it in the wrong place! Anywho, I guess it’s cut in half between me probably looking in the wrong places and it being porn.


cant wait for the game....have a feeling there will be alot of losing x3 (assuming there are game over scenes when a character loses.