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So- Last night Chadwick Boseman died. You know, THE Black Panther from the Marvel MCU. He lost a 4 year struggle with cancer. And hearing that really shot me down, a lot more than it really should have. And today- I lost it.

I was never the type to bottle up how I feel (I’m sure a bunch of you know that!) but I have been. A lot lately. Because I was afraid that the slightest rise in my blood pressure would pop my brain aneurysm, giving me maybe a few minutes before I die.

So it all just came out. Which I couldn’t understand because it’s not in my nature.

But- today it became clear to me- I’ve been bottling this in for years. This feeling that started as I continued this downward trend of sickness.

This feeling that I have no future.

It’s why I bounce from project to project more and more lately. Like, I need to do something GREAT and I need to do it NOW! Because I can’t do it later.

There’s so much I want to share. So many characters and storylines I want everyone to enjoy before the good Lord takes me.

And I’ve been afraid. At one point I couldn’t even eat or drink water- but found help in Chinese Medicine. Still, nobody knew what was causing it, and I went and saw SO MANY Doctors... but nobody cared to spend any time researching it.

Nobody wanted to help me.

Even now. I’ve had a brain aneurysm, located in a dangerous location (back of the brain) and it took me three months to finally get an appointment to have it looked at in TWO WEEKS.

It’s been terrifying.

But I keep telling myself “Fuck it. This is no problem. Life doesn’t hand you anything. Find the solution yourself.” And I start the hunt.

Recently, I even managed to get the unobtainable HGH from a Hormone clinic.

It is literally curing ALL OF MY SYMPTOMS.


But it won’t cure an aneurysm. Nothing will.

They can only try to plug it/snip it... and hopefully that won’t be after it’s too late.

At one point I had a massive migraine, which is how we discovered the aneurysm. After which I was having trouble when I typed because my mind would switch words out on me and I wouldn’t notice until afterward.

I even started having an intense brain fog and dizziness.

I was afraid to tell any of you about it.

But the HGH? Fixed that right up too.

But how did that happen? I probably had a brain bleed- but it wasn’t caught and I managed to survive. Which is crazy.

Anyway- that’s where we’re at. I’m already ready to get back to work and do more, even if I’m not sure if I have a future to look forward to.

But I’m gonna try my best- even if it’s slowing me down.

I just wanted to tell everyone because you all have supported me through all of this.

And again, I thank you.

I just wish I could finish HIPFC sooner, so you all could enjoy the whole thing.




Florian Anonym

Please just take enough breaks as you need. I never had physical problems but mental shit and you need breaks. Hope you get better really soon


Shit man, I'm sorry to hear the scope of what your battles have been. As I've said before when you've informed us all of you not doing well at that moment: Take care of you! Don't worry about owing us anything when your health and well-being are a factor. Your work, your characters, your story, your art, it's all excellent, and comes from a very creative and passionate place. It shows, and it's appreciated! You've shared so much with us, and I can personally say I'm very grateful for it!


I can... completely empathize with the tolls of health weighing on you and that sinking feeling when it feels like there's not much reason to look toward a future. It hurts to know you have that same feeling, too. I really hope that things start to improve for you completely, so that someday you can have legitimate reason to feel hopeful and dream again. The aneurysm is terrifying and I am still baffled they haven't... done more about it. That's a time bomb, more than most issues! It's infuriating how little most doctors seem to care beyond their paychecks. There are some great ones out there, but you have to wade through all the ones that are just... in the wrong field. But please, I know I'm sounding like a broken record because I always say this: PLEASE take the time you need. Take breaks when you need, focus on what keeps you going when you need, etc. Even without the looming health crisis, life is already too short. I feel a bit hypocritical saying that considering my tendencies but... I'm working on it too! And never, ever feel like you can't reach out or talk about what's troubling you hun. I know I'm kinda a quiet one at present but if you ever need someone to talk to about how you're feeling when you're upset, know that I'm here for you and I will take the time for you as soon as I know you need it. Ok? ;_;


Hang in there buddy, you're a warrior!


Jesus man, had no idea you were under this, im glad youve got something to help your daily life for sure! Also i think we are a nonjudgemental lot, your an artist and allowed to do what your creativelty motivated to do